I'm trying to come up with a good theme for Monday blogging... The first thing that popped into my head was Wedding Movie Monday, so here it goes.
The first movie I thought of was "My Fair Lady". Strange, right? The movie has NOTHING to do with weddings, no wedding takes place in the movie, and, other than "I'll marry Freddie I will" and "Get Me to the Church on Time", there's not much mention of marriage. Call me Captain Random (everyone else does), but that movie makes me think of a beautiful wedding.
Maybe it's all the flowers, maybe it's the music, or maybe it's this dress:
All I know, is now I'm re-thinking my theme... How goregeous would it be to have bunches of violets, paper parisols, and fantastic hats gallore?! And what girl wouldn't DIE for a cake like that?
I know there's a new show called "My Fair Wedding", but perhaps "A Pygmalion Party", or "Wouldn't it be Loverly"?
Mmmmmm.... cake....
Buckle up!
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