In my research, I discovered a few more German wedding traditions, a couple of which, I'm not so excited about. The first one that I'm hoping to forgo is the kidnapping of the bride. The story is, the best man (or wedding party nowadays) kidnaps the bride and takes her to a hidden location, most of the time a pub of some sort. They drink champagne until the groom eventually finds them. I've read conflicting information on this tradition. Some say that at every pub the groom stops in, he has to give a round out, while others say that he only has to pay the tab at the pub where he eventually finds the bride. Knowing Andre, this could end badly... He may never find me because he's having too much fun bar hopping.

The second wedding tradition I'm not too excited about is one that actually follows the ceremony. While the bride and groom celebrate with their family, the bridal party basically breaks into the newly weds house and sabotages their first night together as husband and wife. They place many hidden alarm clocks all around the apartment set for different times so the couple has to get up to search for each alarm every 20-30 minutes. They also often fill the bedroom to the rim with balloons, making it impossible for the couple to even get to the bed without popping them all. If the bridal party is really evil, they've even disassembled the bed, or removed it from the house entirely. Imagine this picture, but literally floor to ceiling.
Here's hoping it won't be too bad...
Buckle up!
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