Tuesday, March 30, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Something Blue-sday

I was going to go with "Tuesday Shoes-day", but I noticed by browsing other wedding blogs, it's been done.  Also, I came across these shoes and had an "ah-ha" moment:

I LOVE these shoes, and it also fits with Tuesday, so, there you have it!  Besides, it's perfect since one of our wedding colors will be blue.  I will probably go all out with the something blue idea, since it is, and always has been, my favorite color.

I'll do the shoes, bouquet, and hair piece:

And probably a blue sash, unless I ditch the white and get an entirely blue dress!

I obviously haven't decided on an exact shade of blue, but it will most likely be on the "lighter" side of the spectrum.  Aqua colors tend to lend themselves better to a beach wedding.  But who knows, I could always change the theme to "Come Sail Away" and use a nautical blue...  We are tying the knot after all!

Stay tunned, and buckle up! (in case of emergency, your seat cushion may be used as a floatation device)


kimbmoon said...

I think maybe you have the wrong princess - if you're gonna go blue disney, it only seems right to me that it should be Cinderella's silvery-blue ('so this is love...').

But here's our brand of oddness for you. Monday on my way to work, before I even knew you were doing this blog much less that Monday was movie wedding day or whatever, I was thinking of you and mentally comparing the My Fair Lady dress with the one from Funny Face (verdict uncertain - the Funny Face dress would lend itself nicely to the blue sash, and has a sweet kind of classic dreaminess, but the My Fair Lady dress is stunning and unique).

All of this either means that we were sharing the same brain Monday, or maybe just that I need to consider cultivating more life references that don't come from old movies.

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